
Our Images
Our digital archives are special because they are actual scans of original wallpaper. To preserve the authenticity of the pattern, the images have been only minimally edited. When printed, the texture and vintage look of the paper remains. Because we only make light edits to remove tears and small blemishes, some printing errors true to the original paper remain. These might show up as small spots of missing ink, edges that don't perfectly match, or small discolorations. Where these errors could be remedied without jeopardizing the integrity of the image, we have done our best to perfect them. When the precision of a pattern comes up against the authenticity of the vintage paper, we favor the vintage imperfections over too much digital manipulation. We think you'll find our images to be high quality while also maintaining the vintage charm we all find so endearing. 

To ensure you have all possible pattern material to work with, we intentionally leave a thin perimeter of background or selvage edge around each scan. Design or photoshop expertise may be required to seamlessly tile and adjust color. Our images are not made "ready-to-print" but are to be used as high-quality source images en route to your final, manipulated and designed product. Colors vary between different screens and printers; you will need to sample and approve colors before physically reproducing.

Historical Information 

In all of our individual listings, we include as many facts as we can about the original paper-- the width, repeat length, and any markings on the back or selvage edge. When a selvage edge is present, we have copied verbatim all the information given. You can find that info under the "original details" heading in the listing. Sometimes selvage edges are not present or possess no markings. In these cases, we have written "no markings" within the listing description. Most of the tiff photos that you receive will not include the entire selvage edge, but rather include just enough to assure you that all of the pattern itself is included. If you need a better picture of the selvage information, please contact us and we will see what we can provide.

Printing Services 
Vintage Wallpaper Archives and Hannah's Treasures do not provide in-house printing services, but we have worked with outside printing sources to confirm that our images satisfy the requirements for high-quality printing reproductions. You are responsible for finding a professional printer who can make this digital image a physical reality. Because colors can vary between different screens and printers, you will need to verify colors with your professional printer prior to production. Please work with your printing and design team to tweak and approve color selections as needed.

Due to the nature of digital items, we cannot offer refunds. This is a digital file and not a physical paper. All sales are final; we cannot accommodate refunds based on misunderstanding of the product or failure to find a printing service. 

Use Authorization
For private use by the purchaser only. Ownership of our images cannot be sold or transferred to a third party. Use of our image for alteration and reselling as a digital image is prohibited. Purchaser may seek printing services from a third party source, but this does not transfer any legal rights to third parties to own, alter, or 
disseminate for free or for profit beyond the private use of the original purchaser. We reserve rights to our own images. 

We do our best to remain within the guidelines of what images work best for most printers. If your needs require a different format or size, please contact hearly@hannahstreasures.com, and we will see what we can do. A reformatting fee may apply.