Our Story

Hello from Marilyn and Hannah!
And welcome to Vintage Wallpaper Archive, our library of authentic vintage wallpaper patterns dating from the early to mid twentieth century. We have spent many years collecting vintage wallpaper, and we love sharing our passion with others!

Vintage Wallpaper Archive is a part of Hannah’s Treasures Vintage Wallpaper. Hannah’s Treasures has been a leader in collecting and preserving vintage wallpaper for over 30 years. Marilyn Krehbiel, owner and visionary, and her daughter Hannah have dedicated their time and energy to rescuing vintage wallpaper by scouring auctions, antique shows, attics, and old buildings for left behind bundles of paper. Where others saw junk, Marilyn and Hannah saw beauty. When historic designs were at risk of being thrown away, Marilyn and Hannah stepped in to insist that they were worth saving.
For years Marilyn and Hannah have enjoyed working with like-minded creatives who also value these old designs and find ways to keep them alive in their own fields. Hannah’s Treasures has been the vintage wallpaper source for all kinds of artists, designers, films, museums, home restorations, photographers, theater productions, and more.

Vintage Wallpaper Archive is our next stop in preserving and saving vintage wallpaper designs. While we love providing authentic old stock rolls of vintage wallpapers to customers from our www.hannahstreasures.com website (and will continue to do so for as long as we can), we know that eventually, the remaining rolls of vintage wallpaper will run out. For this reason, we always feel a little sad any time we say goodbye to a final roll of a pattern. Thankfully, we have saved repeats of each of our patterns for years and now have an expanded collection of designs available for reproduction. We are so thrilled to be able to protect these patterns in a format that will keep on giving for years to come. We still love the actual vintage paper (there is nothing like the feel of the old stuff!), but we are excited about the opportunity to make vintage wallpaper more accessible to the contemporary needs of our customers.

For questions, please email hearly@hannahstreasures.com
or call (712) 755-3173
For old stock, double rolls of vintage wallpaper printed 50-100 years ago, please visit www.hannahstreasures.com